it's been raining here for about two days now, but it is only like 50 degrees so it isnt to cold to make my kids go out and splash in the puddles for me to get some more practice in :) i thought the girls would have loved it so i was surprised that they just stood at the edge of the puddle looking into for a while. they probably couldnt understand why i was telling them it was ok to jump in the puddles when usually i am telling them to stay out of them.
"can we REALLY go in" first steps hey it really is fun! getting the hang of it now...
ready, set, splash while we were jumping the horses came over to say hi. i love how this pic makes brenna look so small next to the horse. raelyn loves the horses tractor rides with daddy... brenna cried when she had to get out. now thats a lot of muddy boots :) but a fun day.
lately raelyn has liked for me to paint her nails. the polish lasts about one day and then we paint them again. it cracks me up. i enjoy it b/c it is a special thing we can do together. she found a feather yesterday that she was so proud of.poor brenna has had her little thumbs covered up 24/7 for the past week. it all started with a sore that formed on her left thumb from sucking it all the time. the doc told us to put antibiotic cream on it and cover it all day so she couldnt suck it. well b/c we did that she started sucking the other one and now has a sore on her right thumb! ahh, i cant win. so now we have a whole routine we have to clean out her "boo boos" and wrap them up. i can tell she is frustrated by them, especially at nap and bed time. i broke down and even got her a pacifier to see if that would help sooth her. she doesnt really know to suck on it but she does chew on it and keep it in her mouth. she has started sucking her thumbs even with the bandaids on now too. any suggestions to keep her thumbs out of her mouth? my mom said get some little gloves to put on her hands especially while she sleeps. i am sure you can tell in the pic, we have to double wrap them so she cant get them off. electircal tape is the key! the left thumb ( the one that it all started with) is looking lots better, but the other is still a big sore. we are praying it clears up quickly. hey maybe through all this we will break her of sucking her thumb before she is 9 :) here are some other fun pics from a slightly warmer day yesterday.
the pics from yesterday were of raelyn doing some art projects. i love when the kids get creative. todays pics are of what happens when raelyn doesnt clean up her paints.... i was in the kitchen getting dinner ready and i heard brenna say "uh oh" and then i hear garret yell "mommmmmmyyy brenna is eating blue paint, like ALLL of it" so i asked him if her mouth was blue and grabbed my camera. it was crayola water colors so i knew it wasnt going to poison her but i thought i might look pretty funny. and it totally did. it was one of those times where it is hard not to laugh while telling brenna not to eat paint and telling raelyn to clean up when mommy asks the first time. oh well. so we have a couple of artist in the family. :) and by the way.... when a baby eats a lot of blue water color paint, her poop turns blue too :)
not quite sure why this is all underlined oh well.... i got the opportunity to make birthday invitations for a friend of a friend. the beginning of dec i made some for a good friend, she had found some jungle themed invites she liked online and asked me to make the exact thing for her. they were super labor intensive but turned out really cute. so her friend liked them and asked if i could make some for her too. she said she wanted something peter panish but that didnt scream peter pan and she said she liked green and brown. these were for her daughters third birthday. here is what i came up with. they loved them.
i packed them up really cute and made a little tag "homemade by bonnie"
the inside of the invite... the top piece flipped up and then this was inside. Here are the pics of the jungle invites i had made in early december. i have found if i want to keep doing this (which i really do) i need to start charging more. we will see if anyone else even asks me to.