last friday i got to help me niece, katie, get ready for her friends prom. she was asked only a week before the prom so she needed to find a dress in a hurry. she found a beautiful black and white gown that fit her perfect, no altering at all, not even the hem! that is my kind of dress. on friday afternoon she and her sisters came over to help get her all dolled up. i did her hair and makeup while we all hung out and talked. i love these girls and am so proud to be a part of their lives. katie wanted to keep her hair and make up simple so we just curled it and put it half up. we tried going a little smoky with her eyes and the rest was simple make up. she looked beautiful and i had a great time helping her out. (not sure why these first pics are so small) her date, justin. she was a pro at the boutonniere (thanks to YouTube) they had a GREAT time hanging out with friends, getting a nice dinner and bowling. brings back fun memories. hard to believe it was over ten years i ago that i went to my proms. wow, im getting old!
this little guy is so handsome with his BLONDE hair and eye lashes. emily is a sweet new friend how is a great mommy. she also has another child that is not two yet. Grace is a sweet heart and loves on her brother. blue blue eyes.... if he keeps those blue eyes and blonde hair he is going to be a knock out! big sister grace working hard at holding that head up
what a doll, with that round little face and adorable eyelashes. amy had her all dressed up in a cute little outfit showing some shoulder :) amy is a great mom too. hudson is not even two yet, so she has her hands full with two "babies" and she does a great job.
eye lashes! big brother hudson look at that little curl in her hair and the dimple in her chin. so cute! laying on a blanket that grandma quilted
i love this girls smile. her lips are so sweet. marcie is a wonderful, fun, happy momma who also has a great smile. must be where kendal gets it from. sweet toes in the grass. big brother noah marcie laughing with her kids. love her laugh. some naked shots. we never got any when she was a newborn, it was too cold. so funny :) hi guys
emily and gage, marcie and kendal, amy and clara.... my friends are beautiful, and their babies are pretty cute too :)
remember all the little cuties that were born earlier this year... well i had not had another chance to photograph them since they were newborns, so last week i had all three mommies and their kids come over for a mini photo shoot to catch up on their pictures. ( i really should know how to make a link to take you to their newborn pictures, but i am not that good at all the techie stuff yet, so you can just go back in the archives and find them if you want) Kendal was the first one born. cant believe how big she is already. 17 weeks old! Clara was born next and is just 16 days younger than kendal. Gage is the baby in the group and is 9 weeks old. so i def got my baby fix in for awhile. i love these beautiful ladies and their cute kids. so i think what i am going to do is post a group shot here and then give each of the kiddos their own post. you know how hard it is for me to narrow down my favorites.
ok, so just warning you, you will most likely get tired of looking at pictures of baby chicks after this post. i just have such a hard time picking only a few. my kids are pretty darn cute too :) the kids are SO excited about them. just look at his face! last week a friend of mine told me that Tractor Supply had baby chicks an ducks that the kids could see and hold. i thought it would be fun to go and check them out. when we got there we of course fell in love with them. dave was out of town so i didnt think it would be a good idea to surprise him with chickens when he got home. so we left that friday empty handed. dave got home on sat and on sunday we all went back over to the tractor supply. we added up the cost to get the chicks, the food, the feeders, the waterer, and to build a chicken coop and than decided that we would go ahead and take this project on. we ended up getting 5 chicks. they are called pullets. the chicks will lay eggs as they get older even without a rooster, we will have eggs to eat but not more baby chicks. which is ok with me :) so the journey has begun. life with chickens. i will keep you updated as we learn how to do this. brenna does GREAT with the chick and is so gentle. they usually fall asleep with her, unlike the other kids that are just to excited. love this series of photos... mother hen... she would hold them all day if i let her.
the chicks new home for about a week longer until they dont need a heat lamp. we will build a chicken coop in the backyard for them when they are big enough to be outside.