Saturday, September 6, 2008


Yesterday was our FIRST MOPS meeting! MOPS stands for mothers of preschoolers and is a nation wide christian organization to help and courage moms with young kids. my good friend carrie decided it was about time little ol' greeneville had something for us moms to do, so she started up a MOPS group. she asked me and 7 other ladies to join her on the programing team. i am the creative activities leader. we were all really excited but had not had anyone PRE register. we had NO idea how many ladies would be there. i had enough supplies for 28 projects. on the morning of, the ladies were just pouring in the door! God is GOOD and we were so happy so many moms were able to come. We ended up having 26 women and LOTS of kids. there is childcare for the kids so the moms can enjoy some adult conversation, good food, a speaker and a creative project. the women from the church that volunteered to watch the kids are such a blessing. so all in all we had a wonderful morning and i am so excited to see where the Lord is going to take our group this upcoming year.

I will post some pictures of our day a little later. I also wanted to give an update on brenna, she just woke up again as i am typing this but she only cried for a short time and is back asleep. we have been letting her cry it out and each night she cries less and less. it is tough but i guess it is working. thanks for your encouragement.

1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad that you had such a good turnout of Moms!!!! MOPS is a great program and I know you will be a great creative activities director!!! Please post pictures when you can!
