Sunday, October 25, 2009

two year pictures

i loaded up the kids the other afternoon and took them to a spot to take some photos. i got a new lens and have been wanting to practice all the time. i wanted to get some good 2 year old pictures of brenna. the kids did pretty good. half way through i put garret and rae back in the car with a movie and snacks while i finished up with brenna. it is really hard to keep track of everyone with my head in the viewfinder. the leaves were so beautiful, the wind was blowing like crazy and the sun was warm... it was a great afternoon.

she loved throwing the leaves over the fence
then we changed our clothes and put on a new dress from gram. you can check out more of her stuff here.

it got really windy for a few minutes, i dont think she liked it very much but it made for some really cute expressions.

it is hard to believe my "baby" is two. she just seems so grown up all of a sudden.
more pics here.


  1. Yay for the new lens and cute subjects to practice with! Such wonderful pictures!

  2. you always pic the best back drops. love the graveyard :) such great pics! i can't believe she is 2! she still has such a sweet baby face though. love it!

  3. to cute bon. great pics!!! lov ya, kenzie
