Wednesday, June 30, 2010

science week: sandwich bag explosion

here is another one of our favorites from science week. again we focused on chemical reactions. we made sandwich bag explosions. here is the link to the site for the instructions
measuring out our ingredients

our two main components used to make our chemical reaction... aka explosion

the bag fills up with the gasses formed when combining the baking soda and vinegar and then eventually it pops open. the kids thought this was great. i was a little dissapointed with the explosion, not as exciting as i thought it would be, but the kids again loved it.


  1. Fun! James just did that one with Otis last week. I think we found it in Parenting magazine. Ours said to add a little liquid soap, shake it up and bubbles would EXPLODE EVERYWHERE. As you said, a little disappointing. But still fun. :)

  2. can we do some more when kenzie and i get there??? this stuff looks like fun!!!
