Monday, May 23, 2011

fill me up

i just finished reading One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp. AMAZING book! such an encouragement about how to live life fully and fully of the JOY that is from the LORD. we can achieve this by always praising! ALWAYS GIVING THANKS. no matter the situation. thank him in all things, for all things are from God. both good and bad. she was challenged by a friend to "name" 1000 things to be thankful for. she noticed a huge difference in her life and continues now today. naming things she is thankful for.
in naming things, the simple things, by writing them down, she received all of Gods blessing. especially joy. how i long to be a joyful mother. i want to find joy in this amazing job i have been given. so often i feel TIRED, and just miss it.
so trying to look beyond myself and at the life full of joy and peace that the lord promises, i am diving into my bible. i am naming things i am thankful for. i am praying for the lord to shape me and mold me into who he wants to me to be. a momma my kids can say is full of the love and grace and joy of the lord.
the author talks about how much of a transformation has taken place in her life. I WANT THAT. but i know i have to work for it. i pray i can be diligent and faithful in my pursuit of the lords joy.
i want to be so hungry for his promises that it takes all of me, my scrawny little body and tiny little legs to reach up and get fed by my LORD. he has it there waiting for me. wanting to feed me but i have to open up my mouth wide and take it in. i have to reach up high and take it in. i have to swallow it down and let it fill me up.

lord, please dont let this be just another high part in the roller coaster....

1. baby birds that give me a great visual of how hungry i need to be for the lord
2. the book One Thousand Gifts
3. my 4 gifts
4. rain storms last night that perked up my sunflowers
5. strawberries growing
6. baby girl standing on her own
7. birth of a new baby girl, addison
8. garrets good report card in the mail today
9. one kid napping, 2 kids reading/quite time, one baby happily playing on floor while i write this all out
10. sleep overs with little girls

im going to try to add on a few things im thankful for at the end of each post. lets see where this takes us....more to come on the baby bird soon.


  1. awesome post! i need to get that book, I need Joy too! thanks for being open and honest. Love you friend!

  2. Wow, Bonnie. I loved this post. I think the author is so right! Sometimes making it a priority to think about and remember what we are thankful for, really can change our attitudes and behavior! Transform your mind and it will transform your life (Romans 12:1-2). Love these pictures and love your list of 10 things!

  3. Just enjoyed catching up again on your blog. I am so proud of your transparency! Thanks you for sharing your heart and inspiring others. God is good!
