sweet baby is 12 weeks old already. hard to believe. i think the time goes by even faster with each child. i just love the baby stage and i feel like it is slipping right through my fingers. jori is such a pleasant and happy baby. i thank the lord for her content personality. the other kids seem so be much less content right now :)
we still have not been to the pediatrician for her exact weight and length but my guess with our own scale is about 15 lbs. she is full of beautiful rolls. i just love chubby babies.
she is holding her head up well and even has enjoyed sitting in the bumbo seat for a little while. she still doesnt love to be on her belly, none of the kids have. she is trying her hardest to roll over from her back to her tummy, it wont be long. she loves to have her hands in her mouth. she still loves her paci as well. she started sucking her thumb a little and i try to take it out right away and replace it with the paci. one thumb sucker is enough in our family :) she squeals when she is happy and is starting to talk more and more. the kids all love her so much it is hard to keep them out of her face. since they are all attending school right now, they come home with germs and i try not to be to paranoid but i am. i am really working on letting go and trusting god to protect her from the fall and winter illnesses while she is still so little. her eyes are blue like the rest of the kids, i think she looks a lot like garret but i also see some of raelyn in her too. cloth diapers are getting easier. she is still sleeping in the cradle that grandpa made for me in our room. she will get her own room when the addition is done. she is about to big for the cradle so i hope she doesnt grow to much before her room is done :) ok those are all the little random things i think of right now. we are so blessed to have little jori in our lives. we love you little girl!
Bonnie, she is such a cutie-pie! I can't believe that she is already 3 months old! Where does the time go? Like you, with each passing child, the time seems to go faster! Such a sweetie!!!
Baby oh baby, how gorgeous!! My favorite pics are the 3rd and 4th ones. You have to be careful even when you blink, kids get bigger and smarter right before your eyes. Sure do love those 4 sets of blue eyes.
12 weeks aready? Wow...such a cutie and love that pudgy round face!
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