Wednesday, March 21, 2012


ha ha.. I'm going to title this post the same as the last because I'm not sure we were really in Hawaii. it has taken me awhile to get the words together to write this post and share photos and today I'm not even going to do the whole thing. i just wanted to share another blog post that spoke to me this morning, brought me back out of my little pity party and got me headed in the right direction again... hopefully.

you see it rained every day we were in Hawaii. not just a little shower here and there, but big storms with hail and tornados, 15 inches of rain fell in the time we were there. we had one really lovely day of sunshine and that was it. i came home from our trip feeling frustrated and bummed out. after a few days passed, i got really frustrated and bummed out with myself! i had missed an awesome opportunity to dig into the Word, to grow in my relationship with my Lord, and to be amazed by his power. it wasn't the kind of power i had planned on, full of sunshine and ocean breezes but it was most definitely His power!

He promises to be faithful! it was right in front of me the entire time and i missed it. the beauty of his storms and then the rainbow to follow. i'm hoping i don't miss the next opportunity he gives me to praise him in the "storm" and to see beyond my expectations. He has great plans for me and gifts for me, if i only open my eyes and hands wide enough to receive them.

Friday, March 2, 2012


yep... Hawaii! in less than 24 hours we will be on our way to Hawaii.

just dave and i.

we have been wanting to go to Hawaii for years, and now we have friends that are stationed over there, so we are going for a visit. we are so excited. seems surreal for sure!

i have lots still to do and just got a call from the school that i need to pick up the kids at 12 due to bad storms coming our way. so i better get off the computer and get to work.....
all i can say is.... my GOD is the most amazing artist there is. i can not wait to see this beauty with my own eyes.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

HUGE transformation

well here she is... Daves new office space and ware house. isn't she beautiful? well, not here, she's not, but she becomes beautiful. Dave has big dreams, that's one of the reasons i love him so much, and the best part is that usually if he dreams it, it happens.
this building had sat empty just about a mile from our house for many many years. the roof had completely fallen inside, it was a MESS to say the least. reminds me a lot of this project.

but it had good bones, great location and a lot of potential.
dave met with the owner and worked out a deal and it became property of Reliable Building Services about 6 months ago.
the above picture is standing inside the building looking right up into the sky. nice sky lights if you ask me :)
the guys worked hard, and carefully, to take the old roof down without knocking the concrete walls down. this was a dangerous job and i did lots of praying while they worked.
photo above with with all the new trusses on.
i will leave you with on last photo of the inside before they started hauling trash to the dump.

dave is using 3/4 of the building for warehouse and shop space, the other 1/4 is for offices. last night i went over to the office to clean up a little bit before he had a big meeting today with a homeowner and architect.

i snapped a few photos with my phone before i left. it sure has come a long way!
the colors look really off, it is really more of a light tan, but this is the front lobby area. the door to the left leads into Daves personal office. we stained the old concrete floors. they have so much character, i just love them. i found the chairs at a used furniture store and re-did them. i love taking on projects as well. mine are just a little smaller scale. :)
still the lobby area
lobby again

the photo above is of the second office. dave has a whole crew working for him now. God has really been growing the business. we are blessed for sure.
this is Dave's office space. he has a great bright window to look out of during the day. the color is off in here as well, it is a medium dark brown. desks are from IKEA.
the chairs i got were 4 for $40 bucks. then i just bought two curtain panels from walmart for $12 to recover them. i love how they turned out. they just needed some cleaning, sanding, new urethane, and recovering. look as good as new... and they are comfortable.
i did some paintings for his walls.
rug is from walmart too. he still wants to build a big long work space in the back of the office but that will come with time. i'll try to get over there with my real camera too some time and get some photos of the outside and the workshop as well.

hope you liked the little tour of Reliable Building. If you are local to Greeneville TN and are in need of any home repairs or a custom built home give us a call. 423-342-4331.