last weekend we took the girls to their first horse show. aunt debbie and cousins, katie and sydney, had told about about the show and helped us get all ready for it. on friday night before the show we went out to the barn and cleaned lily all up. we gave her a bubble bath and trimmed her mane. daddy and rae practiced riding in the ring. she is getting so good at steering that horse all by herself. of course brenna wants to do everything the big kids do so she rode a little on sydneys horse while syd led them around the ring. syd had offered for brenna to ride her horse in the show for the lead line class. brenna thought that was the BEST! so saturday morning dave and debbie trailered the horses out to where the show was and the girls and i met him there. this is rae when we first got there. she was so excited, just taking it all in.

here are all the girls, big and little, katie and sydney are so great with our girls. rae and brenna just adore them. it was so special to share the day all together. from left to right, brenna, sydney, katie and raelyn.

such a proud girl sitting up there on summer. it was hard to get her back off for sydney to ride her when it was her turn.

they each got their own numbers! so official.

waiting their turns to go in the ring

a quick kiss from dad

the class we entered them in is called a lead line class. pretty much all they do is hold on while someone leads them and the horse around the ring. it is just so they can get a taste of being in a show.

at the end, they all line up for the judges. the judge says "its to close to call" so all the little kids get a TROPHY! how exciting is that! the girls thought they were big stuff.

we also entered raelyn in a walking class where she had to steer the horse all by herself. she was by far the youngest in the class. b/c it was her first time daddy walked next to her but she did a really good job. she said next time she will be ready to do it all by herself! so proud of her. rae can get pretty shy sometimes and to be honest i thought we were going to have to push her to do this but she did really great and was such a good sport. i was so proud of her.

and i cant leave garret out... what a trooper he was! horses arent his thing but he was super excited for his sisters and didnt complain once about being there. it was a really hot day and he did great.
How fun! So glad that Rae and Brenna got to do this, and with their cousins too! How special!
how cool that they both got trophies. LOVE the flower in Rae's hair!
gram is very proud of her girls!! good job and what totally cool trophies!!!
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