Tuesday, February 21, 2012

multitudes 52-64

i missed my monday list, just didnt have time to get to the blog yesterday.
so i will add to it today:

thanking Him for:
52- sunny cool days
53- new books from the library
54- raelyn receiving her very own library card
55- visit with good friends
56- being able to walk to the park
57- watching kids enjoy friendships while the mommies did also
58-warm baked bread and fresh fruit
59- being able to help out a friend
60- safety on the roads
61- more pieces of Dave's office done
62- instant gratification projects
63- watercolor therapy
64- dad doing great things in africa


Tara said...

Love these moments of thankfulness! But they make me want to hear more especially about Dave's office and your Dad in Africa!

Linda said...

Thanks for the reminder that there are so many things in our everyday lives to be thankful for if we only stop to notice and count them!