Sunday, March 29, 2009


that was me crying and whining if you couldnt tell. this past week has been a hard one. after our crazy flight to NC i came home with a huge fever blister and the kids were all really sick. they ran fevers monday night so i took them all to the doc on tuesday. they were put on antibiotics which dont really seem like they are working at all. today is day 5 of the meds and they still have terrible coughs. so i have just been worn thin. on friday i got a call from mom saying she was taking dad to the ER because of chest pains, saturday afternoon they ended up doing single bypass surgery on him. this has been really hard for me to be this far away from him. the surgery went really well and his is recovering at a great rate which is really awesome. i am just drained. today i woke up feeling terrible. now i have the same thing the kids have. dave has been great letting me sleep pretty much all day but tomorrow is going to be killer getting back into the swing of things. please keep dad in your prayers.

sorry for my whining.


leah said...

you whine anytime you want to Bonnie. I'm so sorry all your kids (and now you) are sick! No fun at all. I'm so glad that your dads surgery went well, I know how it feels to be so far away from family. Especially at times like these I know you want to be at home helping!! We'll keep praying for his recovery!

Tara said...

Whining is totally allowed after what your poor family is going through! I am so sorry that you are sick, but am so thankful that all is going so well with your Dad. We'll keep praying!

Unknown said...

oh bonnie, i am so sorry to hear about your week. i will certainly be praying for you and your dad.