color change:
each kid has their name on a cloths pin. they all start out the day on green. then if they misbehave they get their color changed. yellow means slow down and think about your choices, red means they receive a consequence like a time out, and if they get moved to black they are not allowed to play wii, watch tv, or play on the computer in the afternoon. (usually right before dinner i let them choose one of those things to do for a short time. ) the good news is, if they stay on green all day they get ice cream with sprinkles after dinner. we do not have dessert on a regular basis so this is fun for them.
"doing our best":
this chart consists of pockets that hold "point sticks". through out the day when i catch them being good they can go add sticks their own pocket. they get points for Obeying the first time, doing something without being asked, bring polite, treating each other with love, and a bonus pocket called "being and awesome wid kid". at the end of the week they get to add up their points and choose a reward.
i always felt like i shouldnt have to reward good behavior, it should just be expected, but then i was listening to a Beth Moore study and she shared how it was very much appropriate to reward good behavior with our children, even if the reward is the only reason they are doing it for starters. she shared how God is a God of sweet rewards. he loves his children very much, although there are consequences for us when we dont obey, he also LOVES to lavish his children with sweet rewards, rewards beyond our wildest dreams.
the next frame holds their CHORE CHARTS: below
we have tried different kinds of chore charts in the past and i wanted to try something a little different. it is always more fun for the kids when there is a little new twist to how we do things.
so we spent some time together coming up with their chores, i got some poster board and scrap book paper and this is what we came up with. again we are using clothes pins. as they do their chores through out the day they can move their clothes pin down the row. at the end of the row it says, "receive allowance". this is good for me as well b/c i was always so bad to follow through with that.
since i am asking the kids to be diligent with their chores, i am also working on following through with checking to make sure they do them and they are done well. it has been really good so far. they seem to enjoy their little jobs and like watching their clothes pin move across during the day. this is also the first time any of them have really received and allowance, so that is fun for them too.
( i drew little pictures for brennas chores)
i also have a frame for the calendar. it is a great calendar. it has a line for each member of our family. really helpful in keeping everyone organized.
and last but not least, my favorite part of this wall consists of a blue platter that was a gift from a great friend and an old bicycle basket i found at an antique store with some dried flowers in it. i still have one more little project for this wall but other than that i love it. now hopefully we can all keep working together to make it stay working and stay fun.
thankful for:
riding with the windows down
sprinklers watering my flowers
spending a few minutes with a friend while the kids played nicely together
sharing my maternity clothes
going out to camp for dinner tonight
did i mention that it is baked ziti
a quick stop at the local bakery for m&m chocolate chip cookies and donut holes